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Answers to all frequently asked questions about the platform

What type of games do we offer?

We offer six types of adventures - Event, Online, Kit, Box, Challenge and Show. You choose what kind of adventure you want!



Where to start?

From the selections you can find various free or paid adventures you would like to play. Enter adventure for free or follow payment instructions. You can play solo or share code with others and form a team.



How to enter?

Select your adventure, provide a few details and enter freely or follow payment instructions. Once you press Enter game you will be redirected to the lobby where you will able to invite teammates, connect trough video calling app and glance trough game's information. Once everybody is ready you will be able to Start game from there.



How to play Event?

Event is an active game which takes place in the real world. You will have to arrive at starting location and at specified time for coordinated and any time for not coordinated game.

In these games you have to explore your surroundings, find hidden items, clues, codes, solve various puzzles, perform specific tasks or challenges. Your goal is to be faster than other teams.

You will have to move from one point to another by a recommended transport like cars, bikes or foot.

Each level has different requirements which your team will need to fulfil to be allowed to proceed to the next level. So, the flow of the game is to move to a specified spot, fulfill requirements and proceed to a next level. Move, fulfill, proceed. This flow repeats until the end of the game.



How to play Online?

Online is a game which takes place at the comfort of your home. Usually these games are not coordinated and can be played at any time.

In these games you have to explore virtual surroundings, find hidden clues, codes and solve various puzzles. Your goal is to be faster than other teams.

Each level has different requirements which your team will need to fulfil to be allowed to proceed to the next level. So, the flow of the game is to fulfill requirements and proceed to a next level. This flow repeats until the end of the game.



How to play Kit?

Kit is a print and play, do it yourself document with all the graphics, puzzles and instructions on how to easily build an escape room or similar type of experience in your own apartment or anywhere else for your friends.

In these games, you and your friends will have to explore prepared surroundings to find hidden items, clues and codes which will help to solve various puzzles and unlock physical or virtual locks.



How to play Show?

Show is a competitive game straight from your TV with friends and family for any game night.

In these games you with your friends will have to compete against each other to be the fastest one answering questions correctly.



Each adventure is unique

Keep in mind, that each adventure is unique and could be totally different from each other in many ways. It could hold many twists and turns which depends entirely on the author's imagination.




Almost any adventure can be played with friends. If you play alone you will still need to create a team and play as a team of one player. Each user can have its own team and join other teams without any restrictions. We recommend to play together with friends using any video calling app or sitting next to each other.




You can solve challenges easily as a Guest without any need of account. However, many games requires account to enter and join game. Also, only signed up users can use unique username and profile image and be distinguished from other players. Also, they can claim team name and email. After that, no one else can use it in games except you. You can easily transfer all data from your local Guest user to your signed up account by following the instructions on transferring procedure by pressing Transfer data.




Adventures can be coordinated or not coordinated. Coordinated adventure will be run by authors at specified time and authors will take care of you and somehow interact with you during the game. Keep in mind, that new teams cannot enter coordinated adventure once it has started. Not coordinated adventure will have no one to look out for you and can be played at any time.




Each time you enter correct code or bonus you will earn experience points. Each following level will require more experience to level up. You divide experience among all teammates. More teammates means less experience for you. Each level will grant you different amount of experience based on its difficulty, multiplier and codes amount. Timing is not important when earning experience.




Replay is not available and not tolerated. All adventures, except kits, can be played only once for each user due to the nature of puzzles and competition. System automatically checks for replays and disqualifies those teams to keep the leaderboard up to date.




The progress button fills more green each time requirement is fulfilled. When all required requirements are fulfilled it starts blinking green and turns into an arrow. It means that level is complete and you can proceed to the next one by clicking it. If you want to enter the rest of the optional codes simply type the code normally and the button will change to act as a normal progress button. If the button is blinking green but has an unlocked lock symbol then it means that Pass is available and can be used at anytime.




Pass will become available in some levels after longer time. Progress button will turn into an unlocked lock and start blinking green. You will be transferred to the next level once you click it. Autopass is the same as Pass except it will automatically transfer you to the next level once timer runs out. Also, some introduction or story levels could only be completed with Pass.




Hints appear after set period of time when you start a new level or some can be obtained any time with a time penalty. They will help you to solve puzzles and move on.




Some levels will have bonus codes which will grant your team time bonuses. Once you enter a bonus code you will decrease your competition time in the overall stats.




Warnings appear above level description in red to inform you about the dangers at the current level. Please always read and obey them.




Some levels will penalize you for entering the wrong code. There will be an indication in the warnings section and on the progressor as well. Authors can also penalize you for misbehaving and not following the rules.




Your team can get various rewards for participating in extra events or following author's rules. They act like bonuses and decrease your competition time in overall stats.




Some levels instead of entering codes will require you to send your location. Keep in mind, that you will need to grant the permission to use your location and orientation while playing these levels.




History of team actions can help you see all teammates' attempts to solve the current level. Use it to track what worked and what not.




Coordinates are sequence of numbers which marks the exact spot in the world. For example 54.89893, 23.88546 - marks the Kaunas Castle. You could get similar coordinates to navigate in the world during one of our adventures. We recommend using Google Maps app to guide you.



Code prefix

Letter Q followed by the number at the code's front is called a prefix (like Q8). Usually only Event type games will have a prefix. For example, code like Q8BANANA has a prefix Q8 and the code itself is BANANA. Prefix is used to distinguish codes from previous games inside the same area. Bonus codes have a similar prefix - QB and will look like QB8FRUIT. You can enter the code with a prefix or without it. System will accept both versions of the code. Q8BANANA - will be accepted, BANANA - will be accepted but BANANAQ8 - will not be accepted.



Code variations

All codes can be entered in many different ways. All non-alphanumerical symbols, spaces and unique Lithuanian alphabet letters are optional. Also, this (&) symbol can be treated as "AND" and both versions will work. So, the code like "HELLO!@#$" will be the same as "HELLO" and will be accepted. Apostrophes (') like "Madam's" are also optional and will be treated as "Madams" and will work.



Confirms / Anticonfirms

Sometimes Events will feature unique symbols painted on the walls to inform players which parts of the level area are playable and which are not playable. For example, if the level is huge then authors could put confirms on the entries (usually next to the doors) where you should go and anticonfirms - where you should not go.




Games cannot be paused on your own but some games will have predefined pauses between levels. Time will be stopped and you can exit and reenter game as you pleased and as many times as you want. Pauses will be marked on the game progress line as dashes.




After being 24 hours in any level your team will be automatically disqualified.



Disabled levels

Levels with names in red are treated as disabled. Time will be stopped and you can be there as long as it needed but no more than cleanup time. Sometimes levels can become disabled during mid-game because of the problems with the environment or the law. If this happens, then time spent in that level will be removed and competition stats will be calculated without it. Also, level description could change to guide you trough the level.



Important rules to follow during Event

Do not follow other teams. Your team is not able to continue without finishing the level before. So, by following others you could loose way more than earn. Such teams will be disqualified.


Do not break or hide anything game related. It is very easy to find out which team is responsible for breaking the game. Such teams will be disqualified.


Do not share codes or inform other teams what lays ahead. Do not ruin experience for others. Such teams will be disqualified.


Follow the rules of the road, park car only where it is allowed and carry some sort of reflector. We take no responsibility for the security and health of team members, tools, transport and anything else before, during and after the game. Such teams will be penalized.


Do not draw unnecessary attention. Do not spoil the locations of the codes for other teams. Be quiet and do not flash lights into peoples' windows. Such teams will be penalized.


Please inform authors if you quit the coordinated game before it ends. So that authors would know that you are safe and that they should not wait for you.



Error - Switch to mobile device for required location accuracy

It means that you are not using mobile device. Only mobile device can provide required location accuracy.

  • Switch to mobile device.
  • Make sure that your app is requesting website as a mobile website.
    • iOs (Safari): Press aA button and then press Request Mobile Website.



Error - Cannot get accurate location

It means that your device is not able to gather accurate location data. It means that the sent location accuracy is way lower than required. This could happen if you have poor signal, bad weather, precise location is disabled or for other device related reasons.

  • Let everyone in your team try it.
  • Make sure that precise location option is enabled. Enabled precise location gives away exact location.
    • iOS (Browser): Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> {Browser} and enable Precise Location.
    • iOS (App): Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> Safari and enable Precise Location.
  • Open any maps app. Find your current location there and then try again here.
  • Make sure that you are in open field as much as possible.
  • Use different browser.
  • Restart your device.
  • Lastly, report the problem or contact the game author.



Error - Wrong location

It means that your entered location does not match the required location.

  • Make sure that you are at the right spot. Double check the location description next to the requirement which could describe exactly where you should be standing before entering your location. Try to solve the level again. Maybe you have missed something.
  • Let everyone in your team try it.
  • Walk around the area and enter location from different spots. Keep in mind, that acceptance radius is varied based on location accuracy and the distance to the object.
  • Open any maps app. Find your current location there and then try again here.
  • Use different browser
  • Restart your device.
  • Lastly, report the problem or contact the game author.



Error - Permission to access location is required

It means that location services are turned off or permission has not been granted.

  • Let everyone in your team try it.
  • Make sure that location services are enabled.
    • iOS: Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services and enable Location Services. Then restart your app.
  • Make sure that location services are Allowed for your app.
    • iOs (Safari): Press aA button -> Website Settings -> Location. Then set Location to "Allow". Tap Done and refresh the page.
    • iOs (App): Go to Safari and navigate to Press aA button -> Website Settings -> Location. Then set Location to "Allow". Tap Done and refresh the app.
    • iOS (Other browsers): Set in on the browser or go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> {Browser} and set Allow Location Access to While Using the App. Then restart your browser.
  • Use different app and allow location when asked.
  • Lastly, report the problem or contact the game author.



Error - Getting location has taken too long

It means that device is not able to get required location in time. It could also mean that device could not be able to fetch new location in the background.

  • Let everyone in your team try it.
  • Make sure that location services are enabled.
    • iOS: Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services and enable Location Services. Then restart your app.
  • Make sure that precise location option is enabled. Enabled precise location gives away exact location.
    • iOS (Browser): Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> {Browser} and enable Precise Location.
    • iOS (App): Go Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Location Services -> Safari and enable Precise Location.
  • Open any maps app. Find your current location there and then try again here.
  • Use different app.
  • Lastly, report the problem or contact the game author.



Error - Your device does not support location services

It means that your device does not have location services.

  • Enable Location Services.
  • Switch to other mobile device.
  • Lastly, report the problem or contact the game author.



Error - Permission to access orientation is required

It means that permission to use orientation services has not been granted.

  • Restart the app and grant the permission.



Error - Orientation is not supported

It means that your device does not have required features.

  • Switch to other mobile device.



Error - Orientation needs calibration

If you get this error or orientation is not working correctly then it could mean that it needs recalibration.

  • Hold your phone and wave it around in figure-eight motion at least three times while tilting it at the corners.
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