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Terms of Use

Information on terms of use of the platform

This terms of use policy is publicly announced on this website and regulates the mutual rights and obligations of the legal manager of system and the users of the system (database users, persons who submit their material and information, etc.).




Every user of the system must get acquainted with these rules. A person using the system or publishing other information on the system is considered to be familiar with these rules and unconditionally agrees with them.




Every visitor of the system, who uses the system database for a fee or free of charge, must be acquainted with these publicly announced conditions and undertakes to comply with them. Failure to read these terms and conditions may not be a reason to limit the user's liability.




By sending any information to the system, the persons sending it shall transfer all property copyrights to the sent information to the system free of charge and agree that this information may not be published on any other website or used for commercial purposes without the written consent of system. Also, in the event of author's account deletion the created and not yet deleted materials such as games and challenges will be unpublished and later could be published again under different author's name.




When sending or publishing any information to the system, the person sending it declares and guarantees that all copyrights and related rights to the sent material belong to the sender and that there are no legitimate third party claims to the sent information or separate parts thereof, therefore, system is not responsible for possible infringements of copyright and related rights. The database contains works submitted voluntarily by their authors or legal owners of copyright and / or related rights.




If it turns out that the copyright or related rights of the work in system are claimed by other persons, at their request the work is removed from the system's database and system dissociates itself from any further participation in the resolution of the disputed issue. For compensation for pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage, the persons whose rights have been infringed are referred to the person who sent the material or information, who claimed to be the rightful owner of the copyright or related rights.




The database contains advertisements and other types of information sent by the persons submitting it. All information published is of a personal nature, the persons who provided it declare and guarantee that the information provided is correct, its content and the activities of the persons who provided it are lawful and do not contradict the applicable laws and regulations. System does not assume any responsibility for the content, accuracy, veracity of such information, as well as for the quality, performance or non-performance of the services of the persons who provided the information, and the legality of their activities.




System may freely dispose of the provided information at its own discretion, transfer the rights of its use to the third parties, reproduce it in any form and manner, publish, translate, process, publicly publish, distribute it for commercial purposes. System reserves the right not to publish the sent information for any reason.




When publishing or otherwise using the received information, system is not obliged to indicate its author, unless otherwise agreed in writing before posting the material.




It is prohibited to publish information on the system that violates the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.




A person who is using the system is considered to be acquainted with the privacy policy and unconditionally agrees with it.




Trademarks and service marks in the system, names, logos, etc. belong to the rightful owners of these trademarks and services and are used for informational purposes only.




It is prohibited to distribute or transfer to other media the textual and graphic material in the system by any means not specified in the system or in these conditions and for any purpose without the written consent of the system.




Each person is personally responsible for ensuring that they are properly acquainted with these terms and conditions when using the system.




The system contains works submitted voluntarily by their authors or legal owners of copyright and / or related rights.




The legal managers of the system do not take any responsibility for the content, accuracy, veracity of the published information, as well as for the quality, performance or non-performance of the services of the persons who provided the information, and the legality of their activities. System reserves the right to remove any information provided at its sole discretion.




The user chooses the services and products offered on the system exclusively at his / her own discretion, system is in no case responsible for the suitability or applicability of the service or product selected by the user to a specific service.The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the system and the services and products offered on the system.




The user of the system may use the material and information provided to him only for personal purposes. Reproduction, distribution of this material and information, whether in return for payment or free of charge, in any way is prohibited.




In violation of these terms and conditions, the rights of third parties, applicable law, the user is personally liable for such violations, the damage caused by them and other negative consequences.




System is not responsible for the accuracy of the content of the information contained therein, the authenticity and quality of the material contained therein, as well as for the fact that the statements and guarantees of the person who posted the material or information regarding copyright and related rights and services do not correspond to reality.




The users of the system use the material contained in it exclusively at their own discretion, assuming all risks related to its use or adaptation, they are responsible for the damage caused to their health, property, computer system, third party rights, as well as all associated costs.




System reserves the right not to accept or remove material or information, the content or means of expression of which violate or may violate the laws in force in the Republic of Lithuania or are not related to the purposes and content of the system.




Users of the system's database and persons storing material and information in it may be asked to provide personal information that allows to identify a person and contact him or her. This data is protected from loss and unauthorized use. Information about the person in respect of whom the submitted materials or information are claims have been submitted to system may be transferred to the persons who have submitted such claims. Information about a person may also be disclosed to persons with such a right in cases prescribed by law.




The persons who have received the codes are responsible for maintaining and using the confidentiality of the codes provided by the system.




All users and legal managers of the system seek to ensure that information that is offensive, threatening or contrary to the principles of good public morality is not published on the system; that the system is not used to send unsolicited e-mails (spam), computer viruses, malware or other information that damages computer equipment; refrain from actions that could adversely affect computer networks or individual network devices; avoid infringing intellectual property rights, including the storage, use, or distribution of illegal software; not engage in any other activity prohibited by the network label.




All agreements between system users and game authors transactions in the system are the responsibility of the users and authors themselves and system does not interfere with it and is not responsible for it.




A person who is using the system is also considered to be acquainted with the rules from tutorial and unconditionally agrees with it. To make it clear, we take no responsibility for the security and health of team members, tools, transport and anything else during or after the game.



It is not allowed to share and use same account for different teammates. Each teammate has to have their own account to contribute to the team.



These terms and conditions have been made public for the first time and will enter into force on 1 October 2020.