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How to reset locks?

Each time you want to set a new combination for your lock you need to physically adjust the lock in many different ways. In this short guide we will explain how to reset your lock and set a new combination.


Step 1

First of all, regardless of the lock type, you will need to know the current code. Put the code into your lock and unlock it.


Step 2

This is where things gets tricky. There are many types of locks. And each type have its own idea on how to change the code. We will describe each type separately. 



Find the hole sideways and push the handle inside that hole. Set new combination. Release the handle.


Watch tutorial



Hold down the handle. Set new combination. Release the handle.


Watch tutorial



Find the hole at the bottom and push a pen inside to squeeze down. Set new combination. Release the pen.


Watch tutorial


Step 3

Enjoy your new combination in your escape room. Just don't forget it because it will be neccessary for resetting again.