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9.99 €
9.99 €

Puzzle Party Bundle


One bundle pack to have it all. This bundle is suited for friends game nights and meeting events, for classroom hangouts and team building, for competition events among friends, classmates and colleagues, for yourself and for your friend. This bundle comes with 30 unique puzzles with ranging difficulty from easy to hard. With this bundle you can host competition events between any amount of teams between your friends, classmates and colleagues or even make an escape room for them. Also, this bundle is made in a way that it do not spoil any puzzle solution so even you can play it and have fun.



Best suited for active people, human resources officers, class tutors, team builders and for all of those people who want to host a competition event or make an escape room and have fun and bonding.



To prepare this game is easier than ever. Just print and cut a few lines. That's it. You will prepare to host this game in less than 10 minutes or 30 minutes if you plan doing an escape room.



This bundle comes in English but can by played by any language speakers with a basic English knowledge because most of the puzzles contains no text.



This bundle comes with 30 different and unique puzzles with increasing difficulty. You will choose which puzzles to include in your event based on their difficulty and your liking. You can host a game for 10 years old and for 50 year old players and have same amount of fun in each group.



With this bundle you can have several game types for yourself, for one or several teams. You can present puzzles one by one or all at once. You can play competitive or non-competitive. You can play in one spot or search for clues in all apartment turned into an escape room. You can play with locks or without them. This bundle comes with different setup instructions to help you host the game you really want.

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